
The Happy Effective Lawyer team is available to offer in-house training and consulting services. Our range of services identify the strengths and weaknesses of individuals to help them reach peak performance and contentment. Our faculty is hand selected by our founder Robert A. Creo, Esquire, and includes high-level lawyers and other professionals recognized in their field of expertise.

Best practices start with an awareness of self and a motivation to engage in continuous learning and enhancement of core competencies. We conduct surveys with lawyers for our research. Surveys can be customized to focus on specific groups of lawyers and employees within your organization. This allows comparison within the legal community on an anonymous basis.

We work with recognized assessment tools and inventory to design procedures that improve performance and the bottom line. Our surveys can identify soft skills deficiencies and tailor-make course and coaching to strengthen specific practice areas for individual lawyers. Our skill enhancement programs can include a mixture of online and onsite deliverables.

Feel free to take the 20-question survey focusing on contentment and best practices. This is an example of what is utilized for our Legacy Lawyer Series, click HERE.